Just got back from school shopping and I have to say I HATE IT!! Every store was a different size, some stores were helpful - some of the employees were idiots! Some items she wanted were out of stoke and the store couldn't order it - some didn't even bother to look!! UGHH!!!
We went to Buckle - OMG!! Who shops there with their kids?? Their jeans were fricken $75! a pair!! Their shirts alone with $60. There was nothing to the tees either - maybe a little bling but nothing else - they were almost see through.
Next was American Eagle Outfitter - none of the jeans fit her there - they were tooooo low rise and there was no way she was gonna get away with those with Mike.
the Gap is a joke now - they don't have cute jeans for the womens section (which Amber is now in) and they are all cut tight... Wish they had a teen store
My favorite store Aeropostale had jeans that fit to a tee - hoodies, shirts, tees etc. LOVE that store. Cheap too! I had the $10 off $50 coupon too.
I discovered Pac Sun today and I have to say its inexpensive and good quality! We got 2 prs of jeans - buy1 get 1 free deal. And a couple tees with tanks under them. The customer service was awesome there!!
We also discovered Vanity today - they were different, inexpensive and had a buy anything and get anything 50% off. They did the most expensive ones too! Great customer service too...
Victoria Secret was Ambers favorite place - the gal was sooo helpful. Ambers a fanatic when it comes to her underwear - she can't have lace, some cotton is too scratchy, can't have certain cuts... ughh its a nightmare but the girl let her try it on over her undies and Amber found a pair she liked and we got 5 for $25. Not horrible but not bad. We'll see how it goes once it comes home.
That was it!! I was done but Amber reminded me we needed shoes so we hit payless and got 2 prs of sneakers (same pr but one for home and one for gym) and 2 prs of fashion sneakers for fun. They had the buy 1 get 1 50% off sale.
Now I'm home and I have to redo Ambers closet for our lovely weather change already!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
School shopping...
Posted by Amy Serpe at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Gaming for Charity!
(From my husband Mike)
I wanted to let all of you know that on October 17th, I will break out my mad gaming skillz and play video games for 24 hours. Now I know you're all thinking, DORK! But this is for a good cause. It's to help kids with cancer and cancer research for children. You're now asking yourselves, how will you gaming help kids with cancer? The answer, I'm looking for people to sponsor me for each hour of gaming that I do. It can be as little as $1 per hour of gaming that I do to whatever you want per hour to donate. I'm shooting for the big 24 hours and trying to raise $500 total for this charity. Your donations are even tax deductible! Please click on the following link, http://waystogive.texaschildrens.org/NetCommunity/Page.aspx?pid=210&frsid=2094 and it will give you a place to donate along with all the information you need for your tax deduction!
Thanks and have a great day!
Posted by Amy Serpe at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Chocolate Relief Act
Come back August 28 at 9:00AM ET and every Friday through September for a chance to get a Free* Real Chocolate coupon for your favorite Mars product below. If it’s Mars, you know it’s Real Chocolate.
*Limit: 250,000 Coupons per Friday (9:00:00AM ET to 11:59:59PM ET). See terms and conditions for details.

What is Real Chocolate Relief?
Times are tough and we at Mars want to help. How, you ask? Every Friday through October, Mars will give away free* real chocolate to 250,000 people. That means you can enjoy your favorite Mars' candy brands—M&M'S®, SNICKERS®, TWIX®, 3 MUSKETEERS®, MILKY WAY® and DOVE®— for free*!

What is Real Chocolate?
U.S. Standards of Identity are government regulations that define which ingredients may be used to make a food product in order to be allowed to call it by a certain name. For chocolate, the Standards of Identity require that cocoa butter be the only source of fat (except for milk fat). There are several other requirements too, such as a specific amount of chocolate liquor, use of flavorings and sugar substitutes.

How to Spot Fake Chocolate:
A telltale sign is the wording on the packaging. For 100% real, authentic chocolate, look for the words "milk chocolate," "Semi-sweet chocolate" or "Bittersweet chocolate." On the other hand, it's probably not real if you see the words, "chocolate flavor," "chocolate coating," "chocolaty," or "made with chocolate." And beware of packaging that implies chocolate, but doesn't even mention it.. Would it be cheaper for us to use vegetable oil? Yes. Would it be real chocolate? No. The next time you're choosing your chocolate, check the label. Chances are you could be getting something that's, well, fake. If it's Mars, you know it's real chocolate.

Mars: A Family Proud of its Chocolate:
Mars is proud to be a family-run business of candy manufacturers. We have the freedom to make the final decision regarding our recipes and commit ourselves to producing chocolate that contains 100 percent cocoa butter. With nearly 100 years in the candy business, we are leaders in the industry and at the forefront of chocolate research. That means no one knows more about chocolate than we do. Our customers expect chocolate that contains 100% cocoa butter, and that's what we deliver.
Mars chocolate is real chocolate. Is your chocolate real?
Posted by Amy Serpe at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Little Projects...
I've got a craft fair coming up and found some awesome frames cheap that I sanded, sprayed and put Uppercase Living on!
Here's the first one - I've got orange, tan and black coming too!
Posted by Amy Serpe at 11:38 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Uppercase Living PreOrder Packages...
You won't believe your eyes!! We have 17 projects you can order from. All of them come with everything you need to make the exact project you see! (All but the Multi Vinyl - you purchase the vinyl as a set and purchase the board separate)
Everything from Advent Calendars to Holiday Displays.... You could even do a Project Party!! Have everyone over once the order comes in and do a girls night out!!
Order will start to ship Approx Sept 15-20th with PreOrders. Email me at aserpe@mchsi.com to place your preorder!!
Posted by Amy Serpe at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Back to school ...
Ambers heading back to school in 3 days!! I'm already nervous about home lunches and the costs... even getting them prepared and thinking of different things to do.
Great article by Dine Without Whine -
Are you ready for one of the biggest challenges for Moms of school-age kids - preparing school lunches day after day?
There's hope and help for you yet. Here are 7 back-to-school lunch tips. Hey, I can't come over and make your kids' lunches for you, but these tips will surely make it much easier:
1. Make dinner do double-duty
You're already in the kitchen preparing your family's dinner, why not use that time to get a head-start on the next day's brown bag lunches?
Make a double batch of meals that taste just as good "the morning after," you know, like fried chicken. Or cook dishes that can be transformed into something "new", such as pasta sauce that's just as yummy as pizza topping (on ready-made crust of course).
To make meal planning easier, take a look at Dine Without Whine. It's a monthly service for planning your family's meals and grocery shopping.
2. Include lunches when meal planning
To do tip #1, you need to be more organized. This means including your kids' lunches when planning your family dinners.
3. Let the kids participate
Lighten your load and teach your children some important life skills at the same time. Even small children can help prepare their lunches.
If morning is too stressful, then make this an after-dinner activity - which brings us to...
4. Make advance preparations
Do whatever you can do ahead of time. For example, cook in batches on the weekend, or put leftovers in packable containers the night before.
5. DIY fast food
Commercial packed lunches are attractive but unhealthy. But who says you can't make your own? Buy your own colorful and attractive lunch boxes, such as a bento-style lunchbox.
Fill it up with a variety of healthy food. Think of mixing up foods with different textures and colors. And cut them up into small pieces so they're easy and fast to eat.
6. Soup it Up
Soup makes a quick and healthy lunch. You can cook a large pot in the weekend and pack it in a thermos for a warm and satisfying lunch. Serve with whole wheat bread and some fresh fruit and you've got a complete meal!
7. Sprinkle in some fun
Sneak a little surprise into your child's lunchbox once in a while. It could be a little chocolate treat, stickers, or a sweet note from you. Getting something unexpected makes lunch fun.
With planning and creativity, your children can have healthy, delicious lunches without too much work for you.
For meal planning help, go to Dine Without Whine. It makes meal planning a breeze, while helping you save time and money.
Then you'll have time and energy for those school lunches.
Posted by Amy Serpe at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Uppercase Living Contest!!
Alright Ladies - this what you've been waiting for... I'm having a contest, For each person who orders $50 or more, they will get 2 entry - Each person who orders $100 or more get 4 entries - Each person who emails me to do a $200 order (get $20 free and free shipping!!) get 6 entries. Anyone that shares a MyDesign Suite that they have purchase (from today forwards) gets 1 entry... YOUR PRIZE ANY ACCESSORY!!!
It will go from TODAY til August 15th. I can't wait to see your ideas!!!
Our new catalog is online at http://amy.uppercaseliving.net
14 New Accessories
- Mini Punched Metal Tile ($9.95; item #300142 [Crème]; item #300160 [Artichoke])
- Clear Acrylic Block ($11.95; item #300130)
- Glass Charger with Easel ($14.95; item #300159)
- Pre-drilled MDF Board ($15.95; item #300132) with Metal Hooks ($6.95; item #300133), Vintage Knobs ($11.95; item #300136), Round Knobs ($6.95; item #300135), and Bulldog Clips ($6.95; item #300134)
- Glass Coasters (set of four: $9.95; item #300131)
- Vinyl Effects ($5.95; item #300155): a clear liquid that gives a raised, glossy appearance to any vinyl
- A new line of craft paint ($2.45; item # varies upon color) in 12 colors that coordinates perfectly with our vinyl
6 Exclusive New Colors
Lemon Chiffon (#9022), Fairytale Pink (#9044), Varsity Blue (#9059), Robin’s Egg (#9058), Herb Garden (#9064), and Hot Cocoa (#9084)
Chalk Wall Kits are Back!!
- Rectangle Panel ($14.95; item #80006)
- Flower Confetti Theme Pack ($29.95; item #80003)
- Tags & Tidbits Theme Pack ($29.95; item #80004)
- Stars & Dots Theme Pack ($29.95; item #80005)
- Doodle Board Kit ($24.95; item #80000)
- Weekly Calendar Kit ($24.95; item #80001)< Home Organization Kit ($24.95; item #80002)
We are now offering two vinyl clock designs—Contemporary ($39.95; item #16511) and Traditional ($39.95; item #16510)
My halloween design I created with MyDesign Suite

- I picked my surface - choose from blank or a product we offer.
- Then I choose my graphic (the spooky tree) and pulled down the part 1 (chose color) and then added it.
- I then added a custom design - typed it in and then was able to change the font, color and size.
- I added more embellishments by searching (on the bottom) for vampire bats.
- So EASY! I then saved it and purchased it - you can do the same right online!! Go to http://amy.uppercaseliving.net
Posted by Amy Serpe at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 3, 2009
More Specials!!!
Uppercase Living - Enjoy our Buy 2, Get 1 FREE!*
Take advantage of our Buy 2 Get 1 FREE promotion! From Friday, Wednesday, August 5 at noon (MT) through Thursday, September 10 at 11:59 a.m. (MT), you’ll get any additional item of equal or lesser value absolutely FREE!
*On any item we offer including all of our new Fall/Winter accessories, expressions and embellishments, Chalk Wall kits and theme packs, or even a MyDesign Suite™ custom expression. There’s no limit to the ways your customers can enhance your home, or the number of FREE items you can get!
Shop online 24/7 at http://amy.uppercaseliving.net
Posted by Amy Serpe at 2:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Movies and Mayhem
Is that how you spell it? Mayhem? Anyways!! We saw Harry Potter - hmm how do you say not worth it but needs to be seen for the next one that comes out - Ohh yeah RENTAL!!
You are plopped into the middle of a movie in the beginning, no lead in. Then there's no climax til the very very end and they leave you hanging... was in awe that they did that but I can see where they are going for the next one, which BETTER be good! It's 2.5 hrs too, long time to sit in a movie theater with a kid. She was antsy and then got scared near the end. Don't blame her, the whole movie theater jumped at the same time lol.
Our Mayhem... NOT!! We intended to do more but we were so tired from just sitting there we came home and camped out in the living room doing nothing. I promised myself I'd clean the house today and I did.
So I've done laundry, dishes, cleaned the kitchen, bedroom and living room. Now to watch 'Father of the Bride' with Amber on the xbox (gotta love Netflix!). Ambers got a little cold and sniffles so we'll call this an indoor day :)
Posted by Amy Serpe at 12:15 PM 0 comments