We have the xbox 360 and kinnect at home. We've had it for a year now and it gets used slightly. Why... cause there hasn't been any games out there that have interested Amber or myself. Until now. Just Dance 3 and Zumba!!
This is what the games look like
Now Zumba was HARD - no doubt about it, it will take me some time to get there. There was a learning stage for all the moves, that goes fast too. Then the play zumba stage and there's a 4min warm up... that's as far as I got LMAO. Now Melissa and Ann both kept going, along with Amber. They were a movin'. Melissa felt like she got a good workout and wants to keep doing it each day. I'd like to learn the moves more and practice before starting the dancing.
If you could slow the moves down with a motion of your hand so the tempo slowed and sped up as you liked that would be great - Melissa's comment
Learning the moves - seemed ok at first
And the moves just got faster...
And then the fun started... a 4min warm up... now no laughin
FINALLY the dance started...
That was it for Zumba... wow a workout learning the moves and the warmup - the dancing was hard.
WOW - LOVED this!! Just Dance 3 was awesome. The moves are not hard, its funny if you mess up. The screen shows you the moves - there's a bar on either side to show you how each player is doing with their moves (good, excellent will show up) and on the top left you can see yourselfs in solid color to see if your in the screen sensor area.
They did three songs from this. Ann was wiped out, so that left Melissa and Amber. Wanna watch?
The first dance
So you can see the screen too
They had this cool Halloween dance on there lol
Party Rock Anthem!
OK all in all - Dance 3 was the best!! It'll take me a bit to get Zumba down but I'm gonna keep tryin'. The trees will be down too so we'll have more room LOL
Thanks to House Party for sending us the games!!
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