If your having trouble finding time to prepare nutritious meals for your family while adjusting to new back to school schedules, relax, your not alone. According to a recent "Feed our Kids Well" survey conducted by Ragú®, half of moms say that during the back-to-school season they have less time to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals for their kids. Fear not, Mom; Help is on the way!To help make sure your kids get the veggies they need (and the meals they love) Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional Sauce now has 2 servings of veggies in every half cup! Available soon in major retailers nationwide, the healthy, great tasting Ragú® Old World Style® Traditional pasta sauce that is already a kitchen staple has a new, naturally thicker recipe.
Disclosure: I was entered for a chance to win a Ragú® prize package in exchange for this post. No monetary exchange took place.
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